
Monday, September 27, 2010

Ram Mandir,Ayodhya,UP

Ram Janmabhoomi (Hindi/Devanagiri: राम जन्मभूमि) is the "Birthplace of Rama." Rama is a major figure in Indian mythology and the Hindu religion where he is described as an avatar (incarnation) of Lord Vishnu in Hinduism. The exact location of Rama's birth is not stated with any specific accuracy by the Hindu texts, but the term popularly refers to a tract of land in the North Indian city of Ayodhya. From 1512 to 1992 this was the site of the Babri Mosque which was surrounded on all sides by Sita Rasoi (Lord Rama's wife Sita Devi's Kitchen - actually a Temple and other Temples of Hanuman, etc) and the disputed structure sharing walls with Sita and Hanuman Mandir was destroyed when a political rally developed into a riot involving 150,000 people. This happened due to the movement that was launched in 1984 by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP party) to reclaim the site for Hindus who want to erect a temple dedicated to the infant Rama (Ramlala), at this spot.
Many Muslim organizations have continued to express outrage at the destruction of the disputed structure. Since then, the matter is sub-judice and this political, historical and socio-religious debate over the history and location of the Babri Mosque, is known as the Ayodhya Debate.
References such as the 1986 edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica reported that "Rama’s birthplace is marked by a mosque, erected by the Moghul emperor Babar in 1528 on the site of an earlier temple".[1] According to the Hindu view, the ancient temple could have been destroyed on the orders of Mughal emperor Babur. Claims have been made that worship took place on a platform called the "Ram Chabutara" prior to Independence. According to British sources, Hindus and Muslims (who came from Faizabad) used to worship together in the Disputed Structure in the 19th century until about 1855. P. Carnegy wrote in 1870:
"It is said that up to that time, the Hindus and Mohamedans alike used to worship in the mosque-temple. Since the British rule a railing has been put up to prevent dispute, within which, in the mosque the Mohamedans pray, while outside the fence the Hindus have raised a platform on which they make their offerings."[2] This platform was outside the disputed structure but within its precincts. Hindu protagonists say that they have been demanding the return of the site for centuries, and cite accounts from several western travellers to India during the Mughal rule in India.  .  .  .  .  .  .For more information kindly surf into-
My dear friends,
We all know the verdict which will be passed by the Highest Court in India. Let us keep our temper cool. Our Shri Ram Temple has to be re-built at all cost without sacrificing lives of which ever religious community they may belong.
Let us wait, watch and see how much and how many times our judiciary system can take us for a jolly good ride. Thereafter let us start a peaceful agitation like our “Father of Our Nation" … Shri Mahatma Gandhi.
Please remember that he too was killed by ….. (needless to say).
I personally appeal to all my fellow members of Sangh Parivar to remain calm and cool even after the verdict is delivered.
I further appeal to the Supreme Court Judges … including the Chief Justice of India … please do your duty without any bias, bribe, gratitude.
Jai Hind.

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